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  • Connectors

Basic Knowledge of Board to Board Connectors

2310c_mv_pc.png 2310c_mv_sp.png

Introducing a wide range of fundamental knowledge about board to board connectors, from product explanations to the history of their development.



There are various types of connectors, and Kyocera's main connector product categories are as follows.

Board to Board Connectors  FPC/FFC Connectors  Wire to Wire / Board Connectors  Card Edge Connectors

board_to_board   fpcffc   wire_to_wire_board   card_edge


Among these, board to board connectors are one of the categories with the largest product lineup among Kyocera connectors, along with FPC/FFC connectors.

What is a board to board connector?

A connector that connects a board to a board or a board to an FPC. The connection is made by mating a plug and receptacle.

 What is a board to board connector?

Board to Board Connector Mating Styles

Board to board connectors are available in a variety of mating styles.

  • Parallel connection: A mating style that connects boards in parallel.
     Type of connector to use: Vertical type + Vertical type
  • Bottom entry: A mating style in which the pins penetrate from the bottom of the connector through the board.
  • Horizontal connection: Mating style to connect boards horizontally.
     Type of connector to use: Right-angle type + Right-angle type
  • Vertical connection: A mating style to connect boards vertically.
     Type of connector to use: Vertical type + Right-angle type

Board to board connector mating styles

Want to know more about connector types?

Kyocera's Board to Board Connector History

The development of Kyocera's board to board connectors began in the 1980s with DIN standard 2.54mm pitch products for industrial equipment. Since then, we have developed products for a variety of applications, including IEEE P1386 standard 1.0mm pitch products for consumer electronics and 0.635mm pitch products with floating structure for automotive applications.

Kyocera will continue to develop new products based on the technology it has cultivated over the years.


Kyocera's Board to Board Connector Development History

*Includes products that have already been discontinued.

2.54mm pitch

2.0mm pitch

1.27mm pitch

1.0mm pitch

0.8mm pitch

2.54mm pitch

2.0mm pitch

1.27mm pitch

1mm pitch

0.8mm pitch


0.635mm pitch

0.5mm pitch

0.4mm pitch

0.35mm pitch

0.3mm pitch

0.635mm pitch

0.5mm pitch

0.4mm pitch

0.35mm pitch

0.3mm pitch

FloXY is a registered trademark of Kyocera Corporation.

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Comprehension Test

Q1. Which of the following images shows board to board connectors?
Which are board to board connectors?

Q2. What is the correct combination for board to board connector connections?
  (1)Plug and Plug (2)Plug and Receptacle (3)Receptacle and Receptacle

Q3. Which board to board connector mating style is used to connect boards in parallel?
  (1) Vertical connection (2) Parallel connection (3) Horizontal connection


Answer (Click to Check)
  • A1.(1) Explanation: (2) are FPC/FFC connectors, and (3) is a wire to wire/board connectors.
  • A2.(2)
  • A3.(2) Explanation: The style of connecting boards in parallel is (2) parallel connection. (1) Vertical connection is a style method that connects boards vertically, and (3) Horizontal connection is a mating style that connects boards horizontally.


List of Connector Trivia Articles

vol.1 What is a Connector?

vol.2 Terminology

vol.3 Insulator

vol.4 Contact (Terminal)

vol.5 Evaluation Test (Basics)

vol.6 Evaluation Tests (Special Edition)

vol.7 The History of Kyocera's FPC/FFC Connectors

vol.8 Evolution of FPC/FFC Connectors

vol.9 Basic Knowledge of Board to Board Connectors

vol.10 Learn more about Board to Board Connectors ~Various Features~

vol.11 Basic Knowledge of Plating


Related Links

Board to Board Connectors

Connectors Top Page


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