SF14-2593M5UUB1 2.양산품


Size 1.4 x 1.1 mm

추천 용도:스마트폰태블릿 PC 등

Distributor Inventory


・Small size
・Low insertion loss
・High selectivity


  • 스마트폰・타블렛PC
  • 웨어러블단말기
  • 게임기기
  • 통신 모듈
  • 자동차 (인포테인먼트)


크기 1.4 x 1.1mm
타입 Unbalanced Type
High Power Durability for 5G
높이 (Max.) 0.65mm
사용온도범위 -20℃ ~ 85℃
포장 Reel
Quantity per Package 3000

포장 사양

포장 Reel
Quantity per Package 3000



It is 50 volts or more. (Cumulative failure rate: 10%)

Please refer to the specification sheet for each product.

SAW Filters SAW Duplexers SAW Quadplexers

The MSL is 3 for all Kyocera SAW device products. (Needed damp proof packing)

  1. Dry the packed and taped products one time for 10±1 hours at 60±2℃ and 10% RH or less.
  2. Put the products in a heat-resistant container and dry it one time for 10±1 hours at 60±2℃ and 10% RH or less, for 8±1 hours at 70±2℃ and 10% RH or less, or for 6±1 hours at 80±2℃ and 10% RH or less.

Related Glossary


Electronic component which applies surface acoustic waves. Band pass filters, high pass filters, band eliminating filters, and duplexers are included in this category.

Related Products SAW Filters

Signal division between Tx (Transmit) and Rx (Receive).

The opposition to current flow in a circuit, including resistance, inductance, and capacitance.