CX2016SA40000D0GSS** 2.양산품

2016 Small Size, Wide Temperature Range (-40 to +150℃/ -40 to +125℃/ -30 to 85℃) 4 Pads Crystal Unit
추천 용도: 노트북, 평판TV, 오디오 기기, 게임기기, 자동차 (인포테인먼트, 운전 / 안전 장비) 등

・Crystal unit for automotive electronics
・Ultra-miniature and low profile(2.05×1.65×0.45mm)
・Ceramic package
・Reflow compatible
- PC
- 평판TV
- 오디오 기기
- 게임기기
- 자동차 (인포테인먼트)
- 자동차 (운전 / 안전 장비)
- 웨어러블단말기
- 스마트폰・타블렛PC
타입 | Crystal unit for Automotive |
크기 (LxW) | 2.0×1.6mm |
높이 (Max.) |
0.50 |
Frequency [MHz] | 40MHz |
사용온도범위 |
-40℃ ~ 125℃
Frequency Tolerance (x10 -6/sup>) | ±15 @25℃ |
Temperature Characteristics (x10 -6) | ±50 |
Load Capacitance | 8pF |
AEC-Q200 |
용도 |
Automotive |
포장 | Reel |
Quantity per Package | 3000/15000 |
제품 질량 | 6.30mg |
PSL: R4Y포장 사양
포장 | Reel |
Quantity per Package | 3000/15000 |
제품 질량 | 6.30mg |
엔지니어링 문서
3D Models
Environmental data
RoHS 규제 대응 | Yes |
Related Glossary
일람Crystal unit is a passive component using piezoelectric effects of a crystal.
Related Products Crystal Units
Abbreviation of parts per million. Used as 10-6 when referring to the crystal frequency tolerance.
Capacitance decided by the oscillation frequency of the crystal in the circuit.
Resonance frequency when a crystal unit is connected to load capacitance in series.
Photolithography is a process used in microfabrication mainly for the semiconductor industry.